Tuesday 28 August 2007

Photo Retuoching

The next set of images is an example of photo retouching. The image on the bottom is the final product and the one at the top is the before. The on the left has colour correction with levels and curves. The image has selective colour add to the model’s hair to take it from a mousey brown to a chestnut brown, also the clone tool has been used to clean up the fly away hairs at the back. The colour select has also been used to give the model a peaches and cream complexion. Finally the colour select been used to change the bench brown to gold. Next the model’s upper lip has been raised slightly and her teeth has been whiten and brought forward. The model’s left breast has been moved colour to her right to give the look of fuller cleavage. The model’s skin has been airbrushed and all blemishes removed with the healing tool. The model has had finger nails added most likely copied from another image and then adjusted for each finger. The flash on the camera could have been made with lighting affect filter or the brush tool. First chose white in the colour pallet the chose a round brush at twenty pixels with a hardness of 20%. Next use the Gaussian blur filter with a radius of two pixels. Last use the calligraphy brushes on top of the brush one at a 45 degree angle the other at a -45 degree angle.

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