Saturday 25 August 2007


The Links blow will take the website for the moving image.

Next is another image from a viral email I received entitled “What do cats listen to?” The cat above title: Stevie Wonder Cat. This was created with layers used as a timeline in Photoshop’s Image Ready: a separate program that can run by its self or in Photoshop CS2 or lower in CS3. the programme can be found in Animation tools bar. This image consists of three images: a record shop, the cat, and the headphones. The headphones would have been quick masked then place over the cat’s head. The cat’s ears have been stretched in width and length, and then blurred. The fur on the front of the cat’s ears has been feathered slightly. The record shop image is set as the background layer. Next, the cat would be set in two different layers; one the head, the other the body. The cat’s movements would be set up in three group layer sets. One would be the cat’s head moving to the left as the body moves to the right. The second layer group would be the opposite of the first. The third would be the cat’s left eye winking. The next step in the animation is the timeline bar; this were the number of frames is set. The first frame is the cat’s head moving to the left and the body move to the right. The record shop layer is left on with all layer group and the other groups are turned off. Next frame is the layer group that is opposite to the first, with the first and third layer groups turned off. The final frame is the third layer group where the cat winks. This is achieved with a white shape over the left eye, with the first layer group turned on. The timeline is set to loop the image, then saved as a .gif image.

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