Tuesday 28 August 2007

Photo Retuoching with the liquefying tool.

The next image would use as a beauty shot in an American children beauty pageants. The image on the right is the original and the image on the left is the final print. The first thing to be done to the image would be to cut out the pink background than desaturate the photo. Next the child’s image enlarged by the transforming tool than rotated at a right angle. The collar on right has been copied and enlarged to make hat and the liquefying tool has been use to give the hat shape. The child face has been airbrush and the ears slightly blurred. The liquefying tool has been used to rotate the eyes up and further apart. The tool has been to make the nose smaller on each side lift the dimples on the smile. The mouth has been opened and teeth added in. A radial gradient has been added to the background. Finally the image has been cropped.

1 comment:

James S said...

I have been trying to figure out how to use Photoshop to make my subject's eyes appear further apart than they really are. I see you used the liquefy tool. Can you elaborate a little more on your process?
Many thanks!